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Update Data    krisjanis@smits.lv    
Last update: 21/03/2022
Krisjanis Surname:  Smits
Institution: Institute of Solid State Physics University of Latvia
Type of Institution: Research Center
ORCID number: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1652-9211
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.lv/citations?hl=en&user=Fqm99UEAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate
Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/1559547/krisjanis-s
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Krisjanis-Smi
Country: Latvia
WEB address: Barbeles 1A
Working groups of interest
-WG1 - Advances in Porous Materials and Technologies
-WG2 - Health
-WG3 - Energy
-WG4 - Environment
-WG5 - Management and Dissemination
- Energy
- Environment
- Health
- Macropores
- Mesopores
- Nanopores
- Oxides
- Porous Semiconductors
- Smart Functional Surfaces
- Technology
Research field (Free keywords) characterization of nano oxides (ceramics, coatings)
Scientific expertise The fast processes studies in solids by time-resolved optical methods. Electron microscopy SEM, TEM. Elemental and structural studies of solids. Nanocrystals and nanostructured materials preparation and characterization. Design and development of laboratory equipment. Preparation oxide coatings by plasma electrochemical oxidation method.
Capabilities Characterization of nanostructured materials
Relevant publications
(3 max.)
Vanags, M., Mežule, L., Spule, A., Kostjukovs, J., Šmits, K., Tamm, A., Juhna, T., Vihodceva, S., Käämbre, T., Baumane, L., Začs, D., Vasiliev, G., Turks, M., Mierina, I., Sherrell, P.C., Šutka, A., Rapid Catalytic Water Disinfection from Earth Abundant Ca2Fe2O5 Brownmillerite (2021) Advanced Sustainable Systems, 5 (12), art. no. 2100130
Laganovska, K., Olsteins, D., Smits, K., Bite, I., Bikse, L. Formation of translucent nanostructured zirconia ceramics (2021) Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 41 (13), pp. 6641-6648.
Bite, I., Krieke, G., Zolotarjovs, A., Laganovska, K., Liepina, V., Smits, K., Auzins, K., Grigorjeva, L., Millers, D., Skuja, L., Novel method of phosphorescent strontium aluminate coating preparation on aluminum (2018) Materials and Design, 160, pp. 794-802.
(2 max.)
Enhancing transparency and efficiency of scalable thin film electroluminescent protective panels using anti-reflective layers and advanced materials
The development of a novel-designed optical fiber-based system for ultra-sensitive point-of-care viral protein detection by SERS
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