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Update Data    oayildirim@ktun.edu.tr    
Last update: 17/02/2022
Ozlem Surname:  Altintas Yildirim
Institution: Konya Technical University
Type of Institution: University
ORCID number: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7867-7992
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.tr/citations?user=2lqTXX4AAAAJ&hl=en
Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/2014323/ozlem-altin
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ozlem-Altinta
Country: Turkey
WEB address: https://ktun.edu.tr/en/Universite/PersonelBilgi/?prsnl=ihFGoPBwwLM5egcyT6LL81dJGhOh3nvc4NLiD44Gmt8=
Working groups of interest
-WG1 - Advances in Porous Materials and Technologies
-WG2 - Health
-WG4 - Environment
- Energy
- Environment
- Health
- Nanopores
- Oxides
- Porous Semiconductors
Research field (Free keywords) ZnO nanoparticles; Zn2SnO4 nanoparticles; nanofibers, photocatalyst, water purification
Scientific expertise Dr. OAY is an experienced researcher in the synthesis of nano-photocatalytic materials. Dr. OAY has studied on the synthesis of various semiconductor oxide nanostructures (i.e., ZnO, Zn2SnO4-SnO2) having various morphologies with different synthesis routes such as; • Zn2SnO4-SnO2 nanocomposites (hydrothermal method), • ZnO nanoparticles (microemulsion method), • Ag and Cu doped ZnO nanoparticles (precipitation technique), • Double-sided ZnO nanocombs (vapor deposition method), • ZnO thin films (sol-gel), • Mn:ZnO nanofibers (electrospinning route). In addition, Dr. OAY has previously conducted a COST Action (CA15114) with the title of “Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial properties of new generation Zn2SnO4–GO–M (M: Mn, Co) photocatalyst composite structures”.
Capabilities . Hydrothermal reactor (synthesis of porous semiconductor oxides) . Electrospinning unite (synthesis of semiconductor nanofibers) . UV-light photocatalytic unite (to investigate dye degradation capabilities of semiconductor photocatalysts under the UV light), . Visible-light photocatalytic unite, . FTIR . UV-Vis spectroscopy
Relevant publications
(3 max.)
E. Keles, M. Yildirim, T. Öztürk, O.A. Yildirim, Hydrothermally synthesized UV light active zinc stannate:tin oxide (ZTO:SnO2) nanocomposite photocatalysts for photocatalytic applications, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 110 (2020) 104959.
E. Baylan, O. Altintas Yildirim, Highly efficient photocatalytic activity of stable manganese-doped zinc oxide (Mn:ZnO) nanofibers via electrospinning method, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 103 (2019) 104621.
O. Altintas Yildirim, H.E. Unalan, C. Durucan, Highly Efficient Room Temperature Synthesis of Silver‐Doped Zinc Oxide (ZnO: Ag) Nanoparticles: Structural, Optical, and Photocatalytic Properties, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 96 (2013) 766-773.
(2 max.)
COST Action (CA15114) with the title of “Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial properties of new generation Zn2SnO4–GO–M (M: Mn, Co) photocatalyst composite structures”.
BAP project of Selcuk Universtiy, "Preparation of ZnO nanostructures with different size and morphology and investigation of the photocatalytic activities" Turkey
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COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.
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