Update Data
urska.lavrencic.stangar@fkkt.uni-lj.si |
Last update: 16/02/2022 | |
Name: |
Urška |
Surname: |
Lavrencic Štangar |
Institution: |
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology |
Type of Institution: |
University |
ORCID number: |
Publons: |
Research Gate: |
Country: |
WEB address: |
https://www.fkkt.uni-lj.si/en/ |
Working groups of interest |
- | WG1 - Advances in Porous Materials and Technologies | - | WG3 - Energy | - | WG4 - Environment |
Research field (Free keywords) |
Photocatalysis, water treatment, air cleaning, degradation of organic contaminants in water and air, (photo)reactors, catalysis for environmental application, catalysts in thin film form, immobilization of nanomaterials, nanotoxicity, inorganic synthesis by soft chemical methods, CO2 transformation, functional coatings (self-cleaning, antifogging, antibacterial, electrochromic, thermochromic), materials characterization |
Scientific expertise |
- inorganic chemistry: synthesis of materials in thin film and powder form, their application in environmental technologies
- leading national research programme "Chemistry for Sustainable Development"
- running projects as principal investigator: "“Photocatalytic water treatment - development of immobilized catalysts and compact reactor systems”, "CO2 transformation to valuable chemicals by catalytic and photocatalytic ways over highly active materials"
- published work: >130 original scientific articles, 5 patents; over 2800 citations, h-index 30
- as employed at the university, pedagogic work is of high importance and priority |
Capabilities |
- leading own research group
- applying for projects and leading them (PI of 9 national and 10 international/ bilateral projects, national coordinator of 2 EU projects)
- supervisor of 6 postdocs and 10 PhD theses
- mentor of over 30 undergraduate (BSc) and graduate (MSc) students
- main organizer of the 3rd European Symposium on Photocatalysis
- teaching general and inorganic chemistry, chemistry for sustainable development at undergraduate study programmes
- vice dean for undergraduate and master´s study (mandate 2021-2025) |
Relevant publications (6 max.) |
S. Talwar, A. K. Verma, V. K. Sangal, U. Lavrencic Stangar, Chem. Eng. J. 388 (2020) 124184. |
A. Suligoj, I. Arcon, M. Mazaj, G. Drazic, D. Arcon, P. Cool, U. Lavrencic Stangar, N. Novak Tusar, J. Mater. Chem. A: Materials for energy and sustainability 6 (2018) 9882-9892 |
P. Kumar, R. Cerc Korošec, U. Lavrencic Stangar. J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 585 (2021) 549-559 |
Projects (3 max.) |
CEUS project N2-0188: “CO2 transformation to valuable chemicals by catalytic and photocatalytic ways over highly active materials" (international partner: Technical University of Ostrava, Institute of Environmental Technology, Czech Republic) (2021-2024) |
National applied project L7-1848: “Photocatalytic water treatment - development of immobilized catalysts and compact reactor systems” (2019-2022) |