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Update Data    l.daehne@surflay.com    
Last update: 13/02/2025
lars Surname:  Dähne
Institution: Surflay Nanotec GmbH
Type of Institution: Company
ORCID number: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5104-3962
Country: Germany
WEB address: Surflay Nanotec GmbH, Max-Planck-Str. 3, 12489 Berlin, Adlershof
Working groups of interest
-WG1 - Advances in Porous Materials and Technologies
-WG2 - Health
- Health
- Mesopores
- Nanopores
- Smart Functional Surfaces
- Technology
Research field (Free keywords) Layer-by-Layer coatings; functionalized micro- and nanoparticles; fluorescent polymers; Whispering Gallery Modes
- Porous Silicon
- Inorganic Porous Materials (Porous Alumina, TiO2, ZnO)
- Mesoporous silicas
- Porous polymers
Scientific expertise Layer-by-Layer coatings; functionalized micro- and nanoparticles; fluorescent polymers; Whispering Gallery Modes
Capabilities Label free measurement of surface processes by Whispering Gallery Modes; preparation of monodisperse functionalized (fluorescent) polymer particles between 50 nm and 100 µm; Layer-by-Layer coatings on planar, curved, colloidal and mesoporous surfaces; Drug delivery systems for macromolecules (antibodies, peptides, oligonucleotides, DNA, RNA; Nanoparticle analytics
Relevant publications
(6 max.)
Jimena Alvarez Freile, Ghizlane Choukrani, Kerstin Zimmermann, Edwin Bremer, Lars Dähne „Whispering Gallery Modes-based biosensors for real-time monitoring and binding characterization of antibody-based cancer immunotherapeutics“ Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 364, (2021), 130512
Marcus Himmler, Dirk W. Schubert, Lars Dähne, Gabriella Egri, Thomas A. Fuchsluger: „Electrospun PCL Scaffolds as Drug Carrier for Corneal Wound Dressing using Layer-by-Layer Coating of Hyaluronic Acid and Heparin“ Int. J. Mol. Sci. (2022), 23, 2765.
Jo Sing Julia Tang, Aline Debrassi Smaczniak, Lucas Tepper, Sophia Rosencrantz, Mina Aleksanyan, Lars Dähne, Ruben R. Rosencrantz „Glycopolymer Based LbL Multilayer Thin Films with Embedded Liposomes“ Macromolecular Bioscience (2022) 2100461
Ghizlane Choukrani, Jimena Álvarez Freile, Natasha Ustyanovska Avtenyuk, Wei Wan, Kerstin Zimmermann, Edwin Bremer, Lars Dähne „High Loading Efficiency and Controlled Release of Bioactive Immunotherapeutic Proteins Using Vaterite Nanoparticles“ Particle 38/7 (2021) 2170013.
Stefano Mariani, Allesandro Paghi, Antonino A. La Mattina, Aline Debrassi, Lars Dähne Giuseppe Barillaro: “Decoration of Porous Silicon with Gold Nanoparticles via Layer-by-Layer Nanoassembly for Interferometric and Hybrid Photonic/Plasmonic (Bio)sensing” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2019) 11, 46, 43731-43740
Claire Peyratout, Lars Dähne „Tailor-made Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules: From Multilayers to Smart Containers” Review in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 43, (2004) 3762 – 3783.
(3 max.)
I-Direct, EU Horizon2020 MSCA ITN; 2019-2022;
Immunoplex; BMBF KMU-Innovativ FKZ161B0498A; 2018-2021
KeraRes; BMBF MaterialNeutral 03XP0614E; 2024-2027
Technology transfer /
Patents (3 max.)
European Patent 2 675 305 Rauchfreie Zigarette
U.S. Patent 9,717,274 Smoke free Cigarette
DE 19493P-DE Instrument zur markierungsfreien Analyse....
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