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Update Data    sulka@chemia.uj.edu.pl    
Last update: 13/02/2025
Grzegorz Surname:  Sulka
Institution: Jagiellonian University
Type of Institution: University
ORCID number: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7431-617X
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=yP6-cLQAAAAJ&hl=pl&oi=ao
Publons: H-1416-2014
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Grzegorz-Sulk
Country: Poland
WEB address: https://elektro.chemia.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/sklad-osobowy
Working groups of interest
-WG1 - Advances in Porous Materials and Technologies
-WG3 - Energy
- Energy
- Nanopores
- Oxides
- Porous Semiconductors
- Smart Functional Surfaces
Research field (Free keywords) anodic metal oxides; photoelectrochemical water splitting
- Inorganic Porous Materials (Porous Alumina, TiO2, ZnO)
Scientific expertise Research interests include the electrochemical synthesis of nanomaterials and thin films, as well as the photoelectrochemical and semiconducting properties of nanomaterials and electrocatalysis. Specifically, my work focuses on the synthesis, characterization, and applications of anodic metal oxides for energy conversion, storage, and sensing devices. I have experience in template-assisted fabrication of nanowire, nanotube, and nanodot arrays for electrocatalysis.
Capabilities Equipment for electrochemical synthesis and characterization of nanostructural materials (electrochemical cells, potentiostats with various electrochemical techniques including CV, LSV, DPV, EIS, RDE, RRDE etc., UV-Vis on solid samples, Raman mictroscopy coupled with a potentiostat), photoelectrochemical water splitting (PEC cells, photocurrents at monochromatic light, external quantum efficiency (IPCE), photocurrents at simulated solar light), electro- and photoelectrocatalytic tests (HER, OER, ORR), photocatalytic tests (UV-Vis reactors)
Relevant publications
(6 max.)
D. Piecha, M. Szczerba, R. Palowska, M. M. Marzec, K. Sokołowski, T. Uchacz, L. Liu, G.D. Sulka, A. Brzózka, Formation of 2H and 1T/2H MoSe2 via thermal selenization of electrodeposited Mo thin films and nanowires, Appl. Surf. Sci 684 (2025) 161801.
S. Sultana, I. Darowska, M. Pisarek, G.D. Sulka, K. Syrek, Designing TiO2 Nanotubular Arrays with Au-CoOx Core–Shell Nanoparticles for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Methanol and Lignin Oxidation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 16 (2024) 49262–49274.
K. Syrek, S. Kotarba, M. Zych, M. Pisarek, T. Uchacz, K. Sobańska, Ł. Pięta, G.D. Sulka, Surface engineering of anodic WO3 layers by in situ doping for light-assisted water splitting, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 16 (2024) 36752-36762.
B.D. Mohapatra, G.D. Sulka, Review of anodic tantalum oxide nanostructures: From morphological design to emerging applications, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 7 (2024) 13821-14843.
K. Syrek, J. Czopor, M. Topa-Skwarczyńska, M. Pilch, K. Kamiński, J. Ortyl, G.D. Sulka, Photoelectrochemical properties of BODIPY-sensitized anodic TiO2 layers decorated with AuNPs for enhanced solar performance, J. Phys. Chem. C 127 (2023) 9471–9480.
M. Zych, K. Syrek, M. Pisarek, G.D. Sulka, Anodic WO3 layers sensitized with hematite by electrodeposition and annealing method operating under the visible light spectrum, J. Power Sources 541 (2022) 231656.
(3 max.)
Development of Scalable Photochargeable Tungsten oxide/Tungstate Hetero-junction Photoanodes with Reversible Electron Storage for Solar Water Splitting Even at Night, National Science Center, Poland
Synthesis and characterization of energy related nanomaterials, National Science Center, Poland
Nanostructured anodic TiO2 and WO3 modified/doped with transition metal oxides as photoanodes for electrocatalytic and sensing applications, National Science Center, Poland
Technology transfer /
Patents (3 max.)
K. Kamiński, M. Jarosz, K. Gawlak, J. Grudzień, G. Sulka, M. Nowakowska, Method for obtaining Lactobacillus rhamnosus bacteria biofilm on metallic surface and the bioelectrode obtained by this method, PAT.233903 z dn. 02.08.2019. Polish patent.
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