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Update Data    jessica.santos2604@ua.pt    
Last update: 26/09/2022
Jéssica Surname:  Santos
Institution: University of Aveiro
Type of Institution: University
ORCID number: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1317-2787
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3XM67CkAAAAJ&hl=en
Country: Portugal
WEB address: https://www.ciceco.ua.pt/jessicasantos
Working groups of interest
-WG1 - Advances in Porous Materials and Technologies
-WG4 - Environment
- Environment
- Nanopores
Research field (Free keywords) Bio-based materials; Food packaging; porous particles; polysaccharides
Scientific expertise I am a PhD student at the University of Aveiro, working on the Materials and Ceramic EngineeringDepartment of University of Aveiro (Portugal) and the Center for Food Technology and Packaging of ZHAWSchool of Life Sciences and Facility Management (Switzerland). I obtained a master´s degree in FoodBiotechnology (final classification: 18/20) and a barchelor´s degree in Biotechnology (final classification: 16/20),having completed both courses at the University of Aveiro. Then, I participated as a research fellow in the"PLASTICOLIGHT" project that aimed to develop lightweight fillers for plastic formulations from egg by-products. I also had the opportunity of participating in THE PROM PROGRAMME, an Internationalscholarship exchange of PhD candidates and academic staff PROM (PPI/PRO/2018/1/00021/U/001) at theUniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. JanaDlugosza w Czestochowie (Poland). So far, I had obtained expertise in extraction and biochemical characterization of biomolecules from agrifood industry by-products, the application of these biomolecules for the development of food ingredients and bio-based plastic materials, and their active, mechanical, and physicochemical characterization.Scientific production. In my PhD, I have also focused my research in the development of nanoporous structures (coatings or particles) with active or functional properties for food packaging applications. Scientific production: - Papers in international/national scientific journals: 3; Oral communications in national/international conferences: 7; Poster communications in national/international conferences: 9; -International internships:3; Invited chair sessions:1.
Capabilities -Extraction and biochemical characterization of biomolecules from agrifood industry by-products; -Development of bio-based plastic materials as solvent casting, melt-mixing, extrusion, injection molding, hot-pressing, thermoforming, and 3D printing, and their active, mechanical, and physicochemical characterization -Development of polysaccharide-based or silica-based nanoporous structures (particles and coatings) with gas adsorption properties.
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